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The Seaford High School Guidance Department is dedicated to helping all students plan and prepare for their future vocational goals, whether those goals include college, vocational training, military service, or employment. Further, it is the mission of the Guidance Department to help students with their high school educational plans - course selection and graduation planning - and to help the student make the most of their abilities and opportunities while they are in school. Counselors also assist students with personal issues and problems as they arise.

Each Seaford High School student is assigned a counselor. Counselors schedule meetings with each student in their caseload throughout the year, but a student may also request a meeting whenever needed. A student who wishes to see their Counselor during the school day may request a pass to report to the Guidance Office during his/her study hall or lunch period, or may stop in before or after school.

The Guidance Office is a wonderful resource for students and parents! Along with the knowledge and expertise of the Counseling Staff; the office offers registration materials for the SAT and ACT, FAFSA Worksheets and CSS Profiles, College Catalogs, Military Service Handouts, and the like. 

Scholarship opportunities are posted in a monthly bulletin online under 'Scholarships for Seniors' and are available in the Guidance office. Check your Naviance account for additional opportunities. 

To further research scholarships, there are many internet websites available to help you search financial aid and scholarship opportunities. Some of those sites include: collegeboard, hesc, studentaid, fastweb, and the like. Please take a few minutes to check these sites out!

The Seaford High School
Guidance Department

(516) 592-4320

Ms. Nicole Schnabel
Department Lead

Ms. Suzanne Cosenza

Ms. Jennifer Pimentel

Ms. Sarah Squicciarini

Mr. Frank Stazzone

Seaford High School
C.E.E.B. Code #335162

Seaford High School
SAT Test Center #33854