Computer Science
The Seaford Computer Science Department is committed to foster problem solving skills while encouraging students to be active creators of computer technologies. Computer science can be defined as “the study of computers and algorithmic processes, including their principles, their hardware and software design, their applications, and their impact on society. In simple terms, computer science is the study of why and how computers work, including programming, or coding.
The NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
In 2020, the Board of Regents adopted the Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards for Grades K-12. The new standards focus on five key concepts:
These related areas of computer science and digital fluency have been combined under one “umbrella” to create a comprehensive, cohesive set of learning standards that represent the essential knowledge and skills in these areas that students should possess upon graduation in order to be successful in college, careers, and citizenship in the 21st Century.
High School Computer Science Program
Course Offerings
Seaford High School- Computer Science
Go to Teacher Information Pages for your teacher's information.
Steven Roveto
Lauren Thompsen